Our volunteer working hours are from 8:00am - 22:00pm. We will have four shifts, you can choose different shifts depending on your personal time. You don’t have to be in all four shifts.
The Time of Four Shift:
- 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- 12:00 PM - 16:00 PM
- 16:00 PM - 20:00 PM
- 20:00 PM - 22:00 PM
Available Roles:
Media Team:
Responsible for shooting photos and video clips to catch interesting moments
Booth Support Team:
Help food vendors with their equipment setup, issues report and other
Activity Zone Team:
Help activity coordinator to process the activities successfully
Door Person:
Responsible for counting the number of tourism (at the main entrance)
Help set up and tear down the infrastructure on the site
Backup Volunteers:
Help other volunteers in the urgency time
Truck Opener:
Responsible for managing the cooler truck, recording name, time, vendor name, food type and quantity
Stage assistant:
Help stage setup and management, move audio equipment and control the mixer, etc.
What We Offer to Volunteers:
- Off the Eaten Path Participating Certificate (Everyone)
- $ 5 Carnival Food Voucher (Each Shift)
- Attending all 4 shifts, offer a after party dinner
Volunteer on boarding session:
Friday (May 27th) 4:00PM
Deadline for Registration:
Friday (May 27th) 4:00PM